Since the end of the 19th century, mankind has been wiring the world. Cables, whether installed permanently or flexibly, regulate electrical goods and electronics, telecommunications services, industrial and domestic appliances. Data flows, network and voice communication are ensured by their reliable labels. Handwritten notes have long ceased to meet the highest standards. The regulations require, for example, machine-readable data, coding, resistors and tamper protection.
Different technologies can be used for marking glass, one of them is a laser. Although the most famous technology here is CO2, which provides very high writing speeds, micro-fractures can occur in the glass and the result is then brittle. Then it is more appropriate to use a UV laser.
This type of laser produces a higher quality photochemical reaction than CO2 provides. Despite having slower cycle times, it enables marking with very high resolution and homogeneity. The use of this system opens up the possibilities of marking on high-quality decorative glass of industries such as cosmetics.
Are you looking for a suitable glass marking device?Contact us.